Before their masters cried "fetch"; Trump was their buddy.
Dr. King, like other black leaders, had to face the specter or racism. For all the edulcorating and softening both JFK and LBJ were far more racist than Donald Trump may ever be. But Dr. King did not waiver; he negotiated, sometimes he threatened, sometimes he yielded. But he remained engaged up to his last breath. He did not feel he had to like either of these two presidents, he just had a mission which was the betterment of his community. MLK had one priority: make sure African Americans reached a better standard of living and enjoyed the same rights that most Americans had always had.
Fast forward to the present we find a very controversial individual in the White House; he has said things that I would not dare to repeat; his choice of words in scores of occasions has left much to be desired and almost in every instance I have voiced my disagreement; but as in the case of MLK I don’t feel I have to like the president; in fact I did not like Obama; but I would have run to shake his hand and negotiate with him had he ever asked me to; slim as my hopes would have been of him heeding my grievances, I would have done everything in my power to reach a deal.
And yet; in his inaugural address, in several speeches, including two States of the Union, and when he signed the way overdue First Step Act, the incumbent has repeatedly called for the black leadership, whatever that may mean today, to sit down and talk. One may argue that his calls are dictated by demagoguery; well so were Kennedy’s and Johnson’s and if we think about “he would be serving us coffee” so were Clinton’s. This article is in no way, shape, or form vouching for Mr. Trump’s color blindness; it is about the failure of the so called black leaders to do their job instead of being zealous pawns of the white, racist, Democrat elite. Loud they barked; copiously they mouth foamed as they neglected their real mission in order to become the white man’s mastiff. They wasted three years in an impeachment that went nowhere in outrageous dereliction of their sacred duty.
Mr. George Floyd’s death has been conveniently blamed on so many, including former democratic candidate Amy Klobuchar who could have charged the perpetrator and chose not to; but she’s not alone. The abdicating black leadership, whatever that may mean these days, is also to blame.
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