domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2012


Voy a probar a escribir este comentario en spanglish; esa dualidad de idiomas que predomina de manera evidente en amplios sectores de nuestra comunidad; lo hago por lo obvio e importante de un detalle que muchos pasan por alto:

In his acceptance speech at the Democratic Convention the president finally admitted what some of us knew all along; e.i. that he wouldn't be able to keep his promise of turning around the economy in four years. The night before, the communicator in chief, Bill Clinton, had given his brilliant speech, weak in accuracy still grand and eloquent, and had laid the foundations for such statement: " president, not me, not any of my predecessors, could have turned this economy around in four years..."

Finalmente, el mesias tomo la palabra y continuo martillando el mensaje; no se trata de que el no cumpla promesas sino de que el dano que infligieron los irresponsables republicanos a la economia fue mucho mayor de lo que nadie podia imaginar y hasta ahi podemos estar o no de acuerdo, pero el discurso lleva una cierta logica; solo que acostumbrado a que la gente escuche sus palabras sin demenusarlas ni ponerlas en la mesa de operaciones, el presidente se entusiasmo y dejo escapar algo que ni la prensa ni los republicanos han senalado.

Now follow me in this: the president said, and I quote; "...    We are moving forward, America. I won't pretend the path I'm offering is quick or easy.  I never have.  You didn't elect me to tell you what you wanted to hear. You elected me to tell you the truth. And the truth is, it will take more than a few years for us to solve challenges that have built up over decades.  It'll require common effort, shared responsibility..."

Ah, ah, ah..Did he say "decades"?; so Clinton is reportedly one of the best presidents we've ever had; he managed (regardless of how he achieved it) to balance the budget; that was eight years before Obama took power; Bush lasted only eight years; so if Clinton was so cool and our challenges have been accumulating for decades (in plural, meaning at least two) wasn't Clinton part of the mess? En su hiperbolico deseo de demostrar inocencia ante el desastre economico que nos golpea Obama lanzo la pelota demasiado lejos; asi que miente en una de las dos cosas: o los problemas no se han acumulado por decadas o Clinton no fue tan buen presidente after all. Bush fue presidente por OCHO anos; esto no llega a UNA decada, pero Obama habla, y quien no lo crea que busque el discurso, de DECADAS; is the English language stupid?; no, we the people are

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