jueves, 13 de junio de 2013


I wasn't here when the Patriot Act was adopted; however, as I watched from a distance the almost choreographic collapse of the twin towers in my mind over and over again I thought this country had no choice but giving up a tiny fraction of its freedom in order to achieve security; had I been an American citizen then, not that I hadn't felt as one for many years regardless of my zip code of residence, I would have supported the initiative in question.

In light of the recent scandals and what we've learned about practically being eavesdropped all the time with no regard for any of our hard earned rights I once again come to the conclusion that despite our best intentions when we pass a new law there's always room for abuse on the part of this ever growing tumor we call government. I have no remorse in saying that I changed my mind and returned to the American way; once you open a door your politicians will always find a way to push their weight through; so let's keep our freedom in a bullet proof vault.

Some may claim that we can't have both privacy and security, the president himself was quick to wield this argument; even some honest people say our government officials can't make miracles and we have to give them some leeway; the answer is an adamant and unswerving NO; we hire these bureaucrats to do a job and they should do it; we don't have to worry about how to achieve both privacy and security, they have to, it's their job and if they don't feel up to it let them resign and let's find more capable civil servants that are not so prone to take the easy way out. We pay these people not to bicker against one another in congress, not to waste our money flying in private jets, not to divide us, but to serve us. The message must be loud and clear: don't mess with our freedom or we'll fire your asses.

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