miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2013


For months I've been torturing myself with the same question: what is it that this president lacks?; it may sound like a stupid question since we all lack so many things, but there's always one distinct feature that you have or don't have and makes your image. After seeing the latest Russian proposal on Syria I finally came up with what I think our commander in chief is dramatically low on: humility. For all his biographical "procedures" and the legend of his stemming from humble origins to become one more proof of American uniqueness the sad truth is that he is not able to make friends unless with those who share his views; let alone that he has not been able to build a relationship with the GOP members of Congress; he has not been able to build a relationship with many of the democrats. That and no other is the real reason behind the stagnation in Washington. True, the republicans are in a dangerous process of implosion themselves, but a friendlier president would and could have made more of the last few years. As it this weren't tragic enough, his lack of empathy (empathy does not mean weakness) transcends the US borders and is highly critical in two specific cases: B.B. Netanyahu and Vladimir Putin, the former is an ally and there's always time to put things in order; however, the latter is a narcissistic bully in constant emulation of his idol Joseph Stalin and happens to be sitting on a nuclear arsenal and ruling the largest nation on earth.

I agree with those who saw Bush's approach too chummy vis-a-vis the Russian president, but that was much better than the reciprocal disgust these two key players show when they are together. As Bob Woodward put it the other day, "when you're at the bargaining table the guy in front of you is your best friend, because he's the only one that can give you what you need". America needs to prove it is the most powerful nation on earth not by indulging in a testosterone spilling contest, but by luring our foes and leading our friends to the right path; the right path meaning what is good for us with no regard for hypocritical and demagogic considerations. There were two empires for several decades so we could go back to that status; being the only power has proved expensive and dangerous; we need to go back to the time when there were two spheres of influence and the two big guys only talked to one another. The current situation pushes America to a dialogue with lesser entities, thus debasing its stature and undermining its effectiveness.

Our first citizen needs to have one of those long talks Gorbachev and Reagan had back in the day; a walk in the woods, no translators, their bodyguards out of earshot; casually dressed and then our guy has to butter Vladimir up with the prospect of being the man who put mother Russia back in the spotlight. One of the sore points is the protection of former satellites like Poland, Hungary, the Czheck Republic, and other small nations that don't feel comfortable, and rightly so, being close to the big bear with no strategic defense; well Castro had the same drama and at the peak of the cold war and the Soviets were able to guarantee his safety for good without alienating the US; Castro and his family still benefit from that 51 year old quasi secret deal. Is Barrack less capable than Khrushchev or Castro for that matter?. If he is let his legacy show it in no equivocal terms; but if he's not, and I think our president is pretty smart, it's time he quits hanging out with celebrities and focuses on what he hired him to do in the first place, and while he's at it he should tell those republican good for nothing hawks to get in their asses and give him a hand. I would have never voted for you Mr. President, but if you undertake this vital task I'm with you all the way.

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