miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014


It's now official, the director of the CBO (Congressional Budget Office), a non partisan entity, says Obamacare will cause the loss of 2.5 million jobs; he also stated that the premiums are likely to go down, which is good news for the White House, but it gets lost in the bombshell effect of those two and a half millions of newly unemployed workers. It doesn't end there, CBO estimates that more and more workers will shift to part time as a result of the Affordable Care Act.

Republicans are jumping all over the place shouting the "I told you so" phrase and revving up the debate rather than coming up with a real solution. Some of them even do victory laps ahead of the mid term elections proving one more time that none of the two parties care about anything beyond wining elections and keeping their privileges.

The president of the hotel worker's union had a meeting with the republican minority leader in the senate maybe to send a signal to the White House and get some sort of waivers, maybe to change allegiance, but in any event indicating that the unions share our view of calling the law Obamascare.

Oh boy, wait till you hear what the administration is saying about the report. Instead of trying to do something the current ruling bureaucrats simply claim the new situation is an opportunity rather than a side effect since it allows worker to have more options of finding better jobs; in other words: your wife and kids kick you out of the house and wipe out your bank accounts. but there's nothing wrong in losing the love of our life and your children because now you will be able to meet other women and raise a new family.  

martes, 4 de febrero de 2014


A fin de cuentas todo retoma su nivel. Los aliados de siempre tarde o temprano se reencuentran y las relaciones regresan a la normalidad.

Las declaraciones del senor Alfonso Fanjul han creado polemica en el exilio y es emocionalmente logico pues toca una herida abierta que jamas cerro. Personalmente siento la misma molestia de muchos otros cubanoamericanos, pero no me dejo llevar por las insatisfechas quimeras de justicia que tan facilmente nos hacen perder el juicio. La familia de este senor no tiene ninguna deuda de gratitud con el pueblo cubano como algunos sostienen, ese pueblo que permitio que el caudillo se apropiara de la isla y que en su inmensa mayoria se sumo al coro de "se llamaba" cuando los Fanjul eran despojados del producto de su sudor no puede ahora pretender que "Alfie" condicione eventuales intereses economicos al bienestar de la misma chusma que no alzo un dedo para impedir el despojo de que fue objeto. Por otro lado, los capitalistas son capitalistas y no estan obligados a emplear criterios humanistas en sus operaciones. Si este acaudalado empresario ha sufirdo un repentino ataque de sindrome de Estocolmo filosofico pues es su problema y debera responder solo a su Dios y su conciencia.

Una vez mas, a juzgar por las relaciones que parece haber madurado el azucarero con miembros de la nomenclatura comunista, se pone en evidencia el profundo desprecio de los poderosos por el pueblo y la gente comun y su gran debilidad por los ricos que en teoria odian y combaten.

Lo que de veras me asquea de la postura que sostiene es el "lagrimeo", la manipulacion y el uso de la nostalgia como excusa para justificar su complicidad con el sangriento regimen de La Habana. Me debera perdonar el elegante potentado, pero la emocion que le ambargo ante la vision de su antigua casa hoy convertida en museo por los asnos que mal gobiernan la isla NO me conmueve; estoy demasiado ocupado tratando de ayudar en la modesta medida de mis posibilidades a que ese mismo gobierno que el corteja le retire la arbitraria medida cautelar que intenta aplicar a mi amigo Manuel Cuesta Morua por solo denunciar la represion, el racismo y la brutalidad que han sufrido los cubanos por mas de 50 anos. Hay lagrimas y lagrimas y prefiero mil veces prestar atencion a las de Reyna Luisa Tamayo cuando recuerda a su hijo inutilmente asesinado que a las de un ricachon presa de quien sabe que tipo de sordidos devaneos.

lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014


The George Washington Bridge scandal should finally teach Christie and many other conservatives the ultimate lesson. No amount of pandering and cool gestures would convince the liberal media and the large majority of the democrats not to go for the jugular when it comes down to scandals (phony or genuine). It is still early to predict how the future of the governor will be affected, but for now, he and his staff are forced to waste endless hours quarterbacking his defense rather than doing what we the people pay them to do. 
Regardless of Christie's personal involvement in the lane closure nobody can deny there was abuse of power. With or without his approval a bureaucrat had the temerity of affecting the lives of hundreds of thousands of fellow Americans just because he or she did not like an unsympathetic elected official. Many have wondered all these days how someone can risk so much for so little and the answer is obvious: because usually politicians and their staff can get away with this kind of mischief. The tragedy is not how many get caught, but that most of the times they go unreported and unpunished. Bipartisanship is not only wise but necessary to move the nation forward, bowing too low instead could not only be useless but counter productive and may eventually end up backfiring; your own party will usually take it as treason while your opponents are likely to read weakness into it. No matter how charming you try to be, at the end of the day they will always want a piece of your ass when you're down and out.