lunes, 6 de febrero de 2017


Image result for picture of Obama and Trump

The first few days of Mr Trump's presidency have been "lively" to say the least. The far left would criticize him even if he acted like a saint, but one cannot deny that the president has served gaffes to his detractors on a silver platter. Few people insist on being objective these days; you create a rumor; spread it, recruit a few accomplices to help and ABRACADABRA!!!; the damned thing becomes an absolute truth. It happens in both sides; in lieu of facts let's just invent them, the hell with decorum and moral standards; ratings and winning at all costs are here to stay. Let's keep the average American busy sorting through this huge pile of crap so that he or she forgets how drastically the quality of their lives has decreased. 

Amid this circus showbiz reaffirms its position as the third political party that for all practical purposes functions as an appendix of the Democrats; it embraces all just causes and calls all those who don't share their views deplorable; not part of the arts and bigots. It complacently awards itself all kinds of prizes, busts, statues and medals as if they were not partly responsible for the violence in our lives. Their movies, their music, the simplification of "the arts" and the edulcoration of our tragedies put them among the bad guys but who cares? There's this extravagant president who used to be part of them to take all the blame.

After a long campaign I came to fear Trump's thin skin, short fuse and protagonist impulses might cause us trouble down the road. He hasn't changed much; actually in some respects he childishly remains in campaign mode and forgets that he doesn't belong to himself anymore but to all Americans. For all the left's outcry and whining our president is putting together a decent team that could steadily hold the helm and steer the vessel off the abyss, whether he will let them work in full autonomy is the big question. Will he lead the band or play each and every instrument ?.

Eight years of inaction; apologies and denial pushed a large segment of the electorate to the point of exhaustion, Mr Obama's weakness, hesitation and aloof presence in the world affairs indeed hurt America; so we chose the opposite version. Will Trump's omnipresence  work where Obama's absenteeism failed?. Will the mogul from Queens  be able to tone down his rhetoric and lower his toughness to a "political" level without necessarily becoming a traditional politician?

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