sábado, 20 de enero de 2018


Image result for picture of oprah and weinsteinRelated image

I predicted this would happen not because I’m smart but because it was obvious; a man ruled society allowing itself to be dissected and judged publicly? Hell no!!!; for some reason the sexual harassment issue became news and the left hawks span it a little against the incumbent; used it as a battle flag to make Hollywood look beautiful and that was it. Ms. Winfrey boosted her already world renowned brand; rich ladies wore black trying to hide their close relationship with the perpetrators and the hell with the victims; no naming them; no putting them in front of a microphone; no exposure; the aiding and abetting once again hijacked a cause from its real owners and the craziness got so out of hand that now we have calls to stop the damned thing; Ms. Bardot and Ms. Deneuve burst with understandable indignation but they went too far back.

The truth is that the culture of male domination must end; the suppression of talent to advance sexual favoritism must end. Yes there are hundreds, maybe thousands of women who use their bodies and sexual prowess to become famous, but if the environment did not favor such state of affairs they wouldn’t be successful. Despite the numerous calls to sanity and common sense the problem does exist and it should be tackled; but it should be addressed by enabling the victims and not the accomplices, by not allowing this unfortunate situation to become a political platform or a brand booster for anyone. The strategy of the status quo is clear (it was always clear to me): exacerbate a problem to such an extent that people quickly tire of it and it’s business as usual.

Ms. Streep had her moment; Ms Winfrey had her moment; they remain the undisputed champions of women’s right, but the ugly duckling from Pensacola who could not even sell her body and yet was talented will never make it and is still washing dishes in some unknown diner in the middle of nowhere; what will this anonymous woman gain after all this? Who knows her name? Will they give her another chance to prove how well she remembers her lines and how good an actress she can be? No; her talent will go unnoticed, lost in this sea of madness where a scalpel can catapult you to fame even if you can’t speak your own language and lack the basic skills to be an entertainer.

The day after Oprah performed her charade at the Golden Bubbles I reacted with outrage; I could see clearly through the fog; manipulation and taking advantage of the victims. My condemnation was unequivocal. A friend of mine argued that the fact that the occasion had been used was better than no mention at all. I strongly disagreed; then Seals spoke out and the Hollywood dictatorship was quick to silence him. The truth is that we the people can no longer feel comfortable with half measures; half truths and backhanded strategies; we must no longer stop at almost or quasi; we must go all the way and the sordid system of values under which Oprah; Streep and so many others have lived and made millions must be done away with. I’m sorry but on this one I don’t agree with Bardot and Deneuve; to claim that women have sex with producers and directors to become famous is an alarmingly simplistic approach; the problem is much more complex than that and the sex part is probably the simplest.

The system is broke and time’s up, not for those who have fared well in it, but for the victims. Those ladies wearing black are part of the problem and by no stretch of imagination can they pretend to be the solution.

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