viernes, 19 de junio de 2020


WYSK: I Believe Jesse Jackson Won't Mind… | The Bronx Chronicle
Antes de que sus amos les ordenaran atacar Trump era su "aniguete"

Martin Luther King, como otros líderes negros antes, tuvo que enfrentar el fantasma del racismo. Más allá de lo edulcorado tanto John F Kennedy como Lyndon Johnson era mucho más racistas de lo que jamas podrá serlo Donald Trump. No obstante, King no cejó en su intento; negoció a veces amenazando y otras cediendo; pero permaneció dedicado al objetivo hasta su último aliento. Nunca pensó que tenía que sentir agrado por ninguno de los dos presidente demócrata antes mencionados, tenía una misión que era el mejoramiento de su comunidad. King tenía una única prioridad: garantizar que los afroamericanos alcanzaran un mejor nivel de vida y disfrutaran de los mismos derechos que la mayoría de sus compatriotas siempre tuvieron.

En camara rapida hacia adelante encontramos un individuo sumamente controversial en La Casa Blanca; alguien que ha dicho cosas que no me atrevo a repetir y con un vocabulario que en reiteradas ocasiones ha dejado mucho que desear y ante el cual he personalmente manifestado mi desacuerdo; pero como mismo ocurría con MLK a mi no tiene que gustar el presidente; de hecho, no me gustaba para nada Obama, pero si alguna vez me hubiese llamado hubiera asistido raudo a estrecharle la mano y negociar; aún en la certeza de que jamás habría escuchado mis quitas yo hubiera hecho todo lo posible por llegar a un acuerdo.

Más aún; en su discurso inaugural, en varias alocuciones incluyendo dos Estados de la Unión así como en ocasión de la firma de la anhelada acta First Step, el actual presidente ha llamado repetidamente a los líderes negros (cualquiera que esto pueda ser hoy en día) a sentarse a discutir. Se podría argumentar que sus invitaciones han sido dictadas por la demagogia; bueno, también lo fueron en los casos de Kennedy y Johnson; y si recordamos “el estaría sirviéndonos café” también lo fue en el caso de Clinton. Este artículo no persigue en ningún modo avalar el “daltonismo” racial de Trump. Sólo trata de describir el fracaso de la llamada dirigencia negra para concentrarse en su trabajo en lugar de servir como celosos peones de la racista y elitista dirigencia blanca del partido demócrata. Muy alto ladraron; salivaron espuma copiosamente mientras descuidaban su verdadera misión para convertirse en mastines del hombre blanco. Desperdiciaron tres años en un “impeachment” que no llego a nada abdicando en modo bochornoso a su deber sagrado.

La muerte de George Floyd se le ha achacado a muchos, incluyendo a la ex aspirante demócrata a la nominación por su partido Amy Klobuchar, quien pudo haber procesado en policía culpable en una ocasión y optó por no hacerlo; pero no está sola. La pusilánime disque dirigencia negra es también culpable.

martes, 9 de junio de 2020


WYSK: I Believe Jesse Jackson Won't Mind… | The Bronx Chronicle

Before their masters cried "fetch"; Trump was their buddy.

Dr. King, like other black leaders, had to face the specter or racism. For all the edulcorating and softening both JFK and LBJ were far more racist than Donald Trump may ever be. But Dr. King did not waiver; he negotiated, sometimes he threatened, sometimes he yielded. But he remained engaged up to his last breath. He did not feel he had to like either of these two presidents, he just had a mission which was the betterment of his community. MLK had one priority: make sure African Americans reached a better standard of living and enjoyed the same rights that most Americans had always had.

Fast forward to the present we find a very controversial individual in the White House; he has said things that I would not dare to repeat; his choice of words in scores of occasions has left much to be desired and almost in every instance I have voiced my disagreement; but as in the case of MLK I don’t feel I have to like the president; in fact I did not like Obama; but I would have run to shake his hand and negotiate with him had he ever asked me to; slim as my hopes would have been of him heeding my grievances, I would have done everything in my power to reach a deal.

And yet; in his inaugural address, in several speeches, including two States of the Union, and when he signed the way overdue First Step Act, the incumbent has repeatedly called for the black leadership, whatever that may mean today, to sit down and talk. One may argue that his calls are dictated by demagoguery; well so were Kennedy’s and Johnson’s and if we think about “he would be serving us coffee” so were Clinton’s. This article is in no way, shape, or form vouching for Mr. Trump’s color blindness; it is about the failure of the so called black leaders to do their job instead of being zealous pawns of the white, racist, Democrat elite. Loud they barked; copiously they mouth foamed as they neglected their real mission in order to become the white man’s mastiff. They wasted three years in an impeachment that went nowhere in outrageous dereliction of their sacred duty.

Mr. George Floyd’s death has been conveniently blamed on so many, including former democratic candidate Amy Klobuchar who could have charged the perpetrator and chose not to; but she’s not alone. The abdicating black leadership, whatever that may mean these days, is also to blame.

viernes, 5 de junio de 2020


International Socialist Alternative Launched – Socialist ...

Emotions and blindness must not prevent us from pulling the thread of events and see where it leads.

As so many experts have previously pointed out, this is the first time in decades that one injustice brings us all together; no matter what side of the political spectrum we were, we all felt outraged by that infamous video feed; Mr. Chauvin knee did not only press George Floyd’s neck. It heavily pressed all our necks, our hearts and our souls. Unanimity suddenly prevailed; we all condemned what we saw in unequivocal terms.

Peaceful protests erupted and we all felt sympathetic with the protesters; America was at the verge of unity and the Fourth Internationale could not afford a moment of stability and harmony that could seal the incumbent’s victory. But make no mistake; the Fourth Internationale is not after Trump. It is after us, after our way of life and after our freedom. The current president just happens to be in the middle due to a fateful juncture. Let’s us not for one minute succumb to the temptation of personalizing history. By fighting this multi tentacled creature we do not defend a man; we defend ourselves.

The swiftness with which peaceful demonstrations turned into riots and the viciousness with which professional domestic terrorists targeted private property and the livelihood of the community show desperation; they needed to put a wedge between black and white, between gay and straight, between the citizenry and the law enforcers. Civil and ordered outrage is not precarious enough for the Fourth to thaw. They need chaos and mayhem. Can you imagine for one minute our great nation having this so called conversation about race relations and everything unfair? That would have dealt a mortal blow to the far left. They constantly mention this “conversation” but they cannot afford for it to actually happen. The “conversation” must remain some sort of illusive chimera to stir emotions and shift to riot mode whenever they deem it necessary.

The Fourth’s operatives have quickly claimed that the violence was created by a mixture of groups including Nazis and white supremacists; I wouldn’t put any crime past these two organizations but I strongly suggest reading “The Caribbean Soviet”, authored by Cesar Reynel Aguilera, which describes how the communists infiltrated all the other organizations in Cuba; as they had previously done in Europe and as they do as we speak. The thread under this violence leads to one quarter: the Fourth Internationale.

As I was wrapping up this article I learnt that now we allegedly have evidence of the Cuban Junta and the Venezuela regime meddling in our affairs by quarterbacking and financing the riots. Conclusions are easy to draw here. Never forget that according to their own manifesto “liberation begins when America dies”