martes, 22 de octubre de 2013


I''m happy I could not see the entire Obama speech yesterday. The sound bites that I have seen sicken me. As much as I know this gentleman and his arrogance I must confess I was sure he would use lines like: "..the buck stops with me .." or " I take full responsibility" or " I apologize to the American people and I beg you to allow for a few days to fix this unacceptable situation". None of that, the stronger he got was to say that there was no sugar coating, but quickly rushed to add the system works and it helps average Americans save money.

I can't predict whether Obamacare will be a good law or not. I nurture a deep concern about any laws that from one day to the next add millions of people to an already ailing system, but I have no hard evidence one way or the other; however the president's demeanor goes beyond being right or wrong. It rather goes to his righteous way of handling issues and his quasi hatred for anything or anyone contrary to his views.

It is to me impossible to believe the first citizen was not aware of the glitches in the website of his, may I say? signature law. But he acted as if he had just learned "folks" were having a messy time trying to log into Obama nightmare and while the press is giving him a slap in the wrist for the first time, you can still hear people saying he didn't know, otherwise this wouldn't have happened. This reminds me of my younger years in communist Cuba when Castro played dumb once and again claiming he was not aware of all the mess in the economy. Most Cubans then, as quite a few Americans now, said: "el comandante no sabe nada, si el supiera todo se arreglaba, el pobre, el no puede estar en todas partes" It took some of my fellow Cubans over 50 years not only to realize how incompetent el comandante was, but that the whole plan was to keep things as dysfunctional as possible so that every citizen relied on the government for all his/her needs. Let's only hope my fellow Americans are smarter than that and take a shorter time to wake up.

Rumor has it that the company that built the webpage was booted out of a similar project in Canada and we still took it throwing a lot of OUR money down the drain. Mr Obama claims nobody is more upset than he is; once again putting himself beyond all of us lesser beings. The trouble is it's us and not him who pay for his mistakes, his golfing, his gaffs ( and those of his VP), his lavish hanging out with showbiz, and his incompetence.

Forgive me Mr. president if I'm not impressed with your phony outrage; actually you know what? I don't give a rat's ass how pissed you are. I am pissed, and I pay your salary; so wise up and shift this pinata mode of yours to healthier and more effective way of doing politics. The fact that the opposite crowd is made of a bunch of losers doesn't mean you're doing it much better. Anyone in Washington remembers what public servant means?  

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