lunes, 16 de enero de 2012


Two down, four to go, seems to be the right slogan for the GOP these days. It didn't take much to predict that Huntsman was about to call it quits; I thought he would probably wait until one day before the SC primary, but he was probably sick and tire of the bickering among the candidates.

More than ever before, Romney seems to be destined to challenge Barrack Obama, and I can perfectly envision the incumbent's machine releasing steam before the triumphant kick start. As I said in my previous post, It would take little short of a miracle for Romney to beat the president since he is caught in a dilemma: appealing to the independents and right wing democrats at the risk of alienating the base of his party or risking not to have enough votes to win the election by calling on the most conservative republicans. In order to beat Obama he has to rally all the segments of the Republican Party and a large chunk of the independents around the greater good: "to bring back America to the values of capitalism and free enterprise and away from the abyss of redistribution of wealth and an apologetic foreign policy that pushes the most powerful nation on earth down to the level of Sweden".

Romney would have to stop denying his role in Massachusetts's health care reform, and other left leaning moves and yet position himself to the right of Newt Gingrich; rather that trying to hide the truth he would need to make a risky gambit: yes, he is a conservative, no doubt about it, but a conservative who governed the liberal state of Massachusetts, where he was as conservative as his constituency would tolerate, and made some concessions in order to achieve governability; something similar to what Bill Clinton did in his second term when the GOP won both the House and the Senate. Easier said than done, that sort of analysis takes too much abstraction for the average American voter; particularly the conservative voters and his discourse may sound like French to Mr. John Doe's ears; therefore, once again, ruling out divine intervention we're bound to watch Obama's second inauguration a little over a year from now. Then, the real Mr Obama will be visible; will we like what we'll see?. Time will tell.

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