miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012


The result in New Hampshire did not bring any surprises: Romney won by a land slide leaving a "decent" second place for Ron Paul (I guess this is the last we will see of this gentleman), and all the others miles behind. This confirms my previous prediction and I believe we are likely to see the nomination of Mr. Romney in less than a month; probably Florida will see most of the other candidates throw the towel and later endorse Mr. Romney.

I believe the candidate to be is a decent man with a pile of money to spend in a contest against Mr Obama's well-oiled machine and while most polls give the former governor of Massachusetts a two point lead over the incumbent, we must bear in mind that polls are not always accurate and that a lot may happen between now and November. Yes it's true that a new book, written by someone from the New York Times (hardly a right wing podium),  sheds some light on the first couple, and we will probably learn that Mrs Obama is not really beyond the racial divide after all, but then again, much was said about Nancy Reagan's manipulations of her late husband and before we know it people will forget about this book, if they read it at all.

The sad truth is that even if a miracle makes it possible for Romney to beat Obama we must still change radically our approach to politics. We can no longer turn a blind eye to the games these politicians play in Washington; we can no longer afford to turn the other cheek while our future and our children's future are dilapidated by a gang of parasites whose salaries we provide and whose sole purpose is to enjoy power and defend the interest of a certain group. We can no longer allow some so-called journalists to take phrases out of context even if what comes out of this fallacy reflects our views. As Ronald Reagan said once: "..we must trust but we must also verify..." . Politicians are human beings  and need to be separated from the myths they usually build around themselves and that we conveniently pretend to believe simply because we are too damned lazy to take control of our own lives. Both parties lie, both respond to a certain segment (a small one) of our society; both are power hungry and care very little about the average American. It is time for each one of us to claim our God given right to live in the blessed nation this country can still be. -

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