sábado, 25 de abril de 2015


Dr Carlson is a decent articulate man with no secrets about willing to try his luck as a Republican presidential candidate; he has repeatedly said the right things and struck the right keys and we seem to have no reason to doubt his honesty and how effective he could be as our president. But he has one big problem: the side effects created by the incumbent and how exhausted the Americans are after almost seven years of our first black commander in chief.
Mr Obama's current address at Pennsylvania 1600 has brought to the forefront all the remaining demons in our recent past as well as the demagogy, opportunism and insidiousness of some on both sides of the racial issue; instead of transcending race as he repeatedly promised he has ended up being trapped by his ambiguity and lack of courage to address the complexities of a mixed society and has remained too low in the eyes if the extremists and too militant in the eyes of those who hoped his criticism of paternalism during his first campaign ( which caused Rev Jackson threat to crush his "nuts" and a hasty apology) would only be the dawn of a new era in the relationship between African Americans and Caucasian Americans.
Most Americans believe in their subconscious that the process of soul laundering undergone with the crowning of Mr Obama has been completed, that the bill has been balanced and that it's time to put another disadvantaged in the White House; a woman, a Native American perhaps but not another black man.

The Obama syndrome is here to stay and no amount of good rhetoric and suave demeanor will help Ben Carlson beat such a formidable foe.

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