jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016


This year is undoubtedly unique; a leap year to begin with and one in which strange things happen: The Pope chooses Cuba to meet the Russian Patriarch, a US sitting president also chooses that island "nation" as one of the last visits of his second term. We are faced with scores of Republican candidates to the presidency and the one who seemed to have the least chances appears to be the likely nominee. America is less respected and less feared than ever, but that dangerous change has not brought us more love; we are still the most hated and, dear I say, bad mouthed nation on earth. Obama's fault !!!, some of us claim, eyes popping out of their sockets. Yes the incumbent is a weak, indecisive, backbone lacking human being catapulted to the highest office in the land by the powers that be with one objective: seizing 16% to 18% of our GDP: the health care "industry". Why not putting someone else there? That's a question I ask myself over and over again, but speculations aside this is where we stand on March 2016, in a barren landscape where hope is a rare, expensive, not to mention hazardous, commodity.

We keep running around in circles crying foul, hating our present and fearing the future; passion has given way to stubbornness and pride; we all know all is wrong and all we know seems to be wrong, and yet we helplessly keep marching towards the slaughter house as if there were no other paths; and there probably aren't any. Have we inadvertently been check mated? Is this the end of it all? Or is it just one more chapter in this lengthy and boring saga of self inflicted punishment and degradation?. No; let's be honest for crying out loud!!! It ain't Obama's fault; yes the man is a socialist at heart; he's closer to Castro than he is to us, but he is only the vehicle taking us to a wreck quarterbacked by somebody else in a higher place; no, not so high. Not that high a place; no, God didn't plan this for us. The puppeteers are several slates below the creator and are inebriated with greed. Our downfall has been years in the making and blaming it all on a man lures once again our eyes off the ball.

On the other ring of this macabre circus there's a lady who's sure she can keep all the gold and is not in the least interested in shedding white light or showing us anything; on the contrary, she craves the murkiness of swamp water and the shadows that are shorter than our souls. This lady doesn't want us to find the piper nor does she want him to lead us to reason. The quickly aging individual will say or do anything for the mere pleasure of being a first at something. And here is where we are in a HUGE dilemma: do we elect the raucous, extravagant not as rich as he claims billionaire or this quasi human waste, this witch like entity that makes my sphincter beat erratically.

The former could hastily push us down the cliff while the latter for all we know could be already subjected to black mail by God knows how many alien interests conversant with the contents of classified information that she arrogantly and irresponsibly handled as if it were the minutes of a condominium association meeting. She and her spouse (a husband is definitely something else) have drifted so far from our core values for money that they have probably left America ethics wise. And whilst I certainly don't like the president I can't help realizing that it's OUR fault not his; we have allowed them crooks to usurp the helm, to control our lives, we gave them the key and they gave us a comfortable lazy boy and a flat screen in front of which we doze off our entire miserable lives. 

1 comentario:

  1. El Poder es el Poder. Money is Money. A esas alturas, no existen ni Republicanos ni Demócratas, ni Buenos ni Malos. Lo único que determina es el Power.
