sábado, 7 de mayo de 2016


Cruz and Kasich finally throw the towel and Donald Trump seems to be the inevitable Republican pick for this year's presidential race. He now faces the formidable task of uniting a party literally in shambles and as if that in itself were not difficult enough, he still has to win the election. How does he achieve such goal?. He first and foremost must tone down his rhetoric without flip flopping; then he must pick the right VP; names like Susana Martinez, Jeff Sessions, Newt Gingrich, Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, and many more  are being shuffled by team Trump.
Then he has to start giving specifics; his index and thumb together in the air and the very, very, very; or so much, so good, so great that inexplicably helped him make it to the nomination (or almost) won't cut it anymore; his fans will take anything and go to great lengths to believe their candidate, but the American people will need and certainly will demand details. Easier said than done in the current conjuncture: ISIS, Russia, China, illegal immigration, a stumbling economy that has recovered only in the minds of the Obama followers. 

Even if he were able to put up a program then he would have to mend fences with a lot of people; actually he would have to perform a balancing act: to elaborate on his statements about the wall, the ban on Muslims entering our country and several other issues without seeming to backtrack on them. More important; he will need to be more presidential while showing a shark instinct vis-a-vis Hillary Clinton. If he doesn't dig every scandal, every shadiness and every dubious deed around the Clinton family his chances are very slim. If the election were today Trump would lose shamefully; he has a few months, which in politics should suffice, to mend fences and become "likable" at least to some. For now the Republican Party has a nominee that represents the majority of its members but is far from galvanizing the majority of Americans. The case at hand may well be a choice of saving the party or wining the election. The Republican elite looks like the All American boy who's dating the ugly duckling; too embarrassed to make it public and yet submissive to her sexual prowess.

Mrs Clinton on the other hand seems to be on her way to the nomination although Bernie Sanders has humiliated her by winning a string of primaries; he was supposed to be a mere sparring partner, but has knocked her down several times and the democratic establishment counts only on the officially rigged mechanism by means of which the former Secretary of State will win even if her victory is not that convincing: vintage Clinton at its best; alienation of a segment of the party base and the crippling fear of Trump or the FBI being too good at digging out the nth Clinton scandal.

The Republican leadership is either incompetent or is flat out lying to us. If they realized that Trump could have made it only a few weeks ago they are a bunch of inept bureaucrats; if, on the contrary they knew all along what the odds were and only chose to play dumb they have betrayed their followers and the American people in general.

The Democrats are not an example of transparency; they knew how vulnerable Hillary was since day one, they had Biden to save the day, but their mafioso back room deals and their cloak and dagger strategies prevented them from doing the right thing. 

The American people faces a challenging dilemma: the parrot voiced infamous lady or the strident, arrogant anything but a saint  business man. The former could be in anyone's pocket while the latter could bite Putin's ear off. The former is a farce showing a family that doesn't exist and a husband she allegedly doesn't even sleep with while the latter seems to have cheated the system one and again and chosen only what suits him out of capitalism.  We the people, meanwhile, have exhausted the roads of normalcy and we are suddenly dealt cards from a brand new deck. This is a different ballgame all together; will we have what it takes to win crooked politicians notwithstanding? 

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