lunes, 19 de enero de 2015


At first all grievances were together; colonialism and an unfair economic exchange (labeled by some as neocolonialism) were not only a source of economic and social disparity but also a perfect habitat for racism and all sorts of discrimination. It was, thus, only logical that the grieving folks gathered in one large, heterogeneous, almost amorphous entity usually at odds with the western powers and by association staunchly opposed to the policies of the Mother of all powers: the United States of America.

President Barrack Obama was heavily influenced by these theories and this ideology, and the public admission of Islamic links to terrorism falls far beyond his comfort zone.

For lack of a plausible role model, the black leaders of the 50s and the 60s set their eyes on the east in their quest for their own roots and a sense of identity; some of them changed the names glued on their foreheads by the "man" to what they believed was closer to their ancestors. Islam was always a surrogate home for the largely disfranchised African American community and even more than 40 years later it appears to be hard for a broad section of the black intelligentsia to renege its old comrade in arms.

In some cases the limits are imposed by scarce intellectual density, but in most cases I would daresay we are witnessing outright philosophical  dishonesty; whether Obama falls in the former or the latter group remains to be defined. To me there is no doubt we voted for a vacillating man who, for all his grandiloquence and his race transcending aura, has hopelessly remained hostage of the demons of his youth and fails to understand that most of the anti colonial movement has splintered, aided by the west's dangerous ambiguity, into hundreds of senseless violent sects that we need to defeat before it is too late.

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