sábado, 17 de enero de 2015


Viva Cristo Rey !!! Used to be heard in Mexico at the time when a war of religious traits, at least in its surface, swept that neighboring nation. Those who yelled their lungs off while fighting their enemies were called "cristeros" and we still use that term with no ambiguity.

The KKK shielded its shameful racism with the cross and millions of Christians condemned their actions to the point where that infamous organization is almost nonexistent.

In the case of Islamic extremists: the usual left reticence is obsessively and stubbornly used to water down its definition and there they go with their "violent extremists" and other euphemistic labels. Moreover Muslims all over the world remain to this date conspicuously silent and fail to unequivocally condemn and reject those who have allegedly kidnapped the liturgy to quench their blood thirst.

Even most politicians in the right continue to stress that the overwhelming majority of Muslims are peaceful people and have nothing to do with the few heretics that commit such barbaric crimes and that Islam as a religion does not provide any theological or philosophical foundations to terrorism.

I'm beginning to suspect that those few rotten apples are not so few after all and that Islam is not as alien to violence as we dutifully force ourselves to believe: for now, the only leader that has put forth some sort of comprehensive statement regarding this matter is the Egyptian president, mostly everybody else seems to be running in circles and avoiding the inevitable. 

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